

For 2024 enrolments, please request an enrolment form from the Enrolment Officer, Melissa Churches via office@belmontint.school.nz or phone 09 489 4878.

Please Note: Enrolment processing for new students after the school year has commenced takes  3 - 4 working days. Therefore, your child will start on the Monday after the enrolment has been processed.

2025 In Zone Enrolments

2025 Enrolments will open on Friday, 26 July 2024. Please click HERE to access the 2025 Enrolment Form.

Out-of-Zone enrolment information is located further down this page.

Step 1: Prospectus

To learn more about Belmont Intermediate School and what we have to offer, view our Prospectus by downloading it below, or visiting Our School and Our Learning.

Step 2: 2025 New Parent Information Evening

Thursday, 25 July 6:30pm – School Hall

Parents and caregivers are invited to attend an information evening to learn more about Belmont Intermediate School and what we offer. No pre-registration is required and children are not required to attend, but are welcome.

Step 3: Open Day Tours

Tour 1 - Tuesday, 30 July 9:00am - School Hall

Tour 2 - Wednesday, 31 July 11:15am - School Hall

We welcome all prospective parents, caregivers and students to attend our open day tours in July to see our school in action. The tours will provide you with an opportunity to see our programmes and facilities first hand.

Step 4: Submit an Online Enrolment Application for 2025

In Zone Online Enrolment Applications Open: Friday, 26 July 2024

In Zone Online Enrolment Applications Close: Friday, 30 August 2024

All students wishing to enrol are required to complete an online enrolment application form. If we require further information regarding your enrolment we will get in touch with you via e-mail.

Our Deputy Principal who is in charge of enrolments is available to meet with parents and students who would like to have a one-on-one meeting regarding their enrolment. These meetings are an opportunity to discuss any special health or learning needs. Please contact the office to make an appointment.

Step 5: Classroom Placements & Visits

Students will be informed of their 2025 classroom placement and will have a classroom visit to meet their 2025 teacher and classmates in late November or early December. The classroom visits and dates will be arranged by Belmont Intermediate School with the feeder primary schools and communicated to parents, caregivers and students closer to the time. If your child does not currently attend one of our feeder schools, please contact our Deputy Principal after submitting an enrolment form to arrange a classroom visit time.

Enrolment scheme and zone

Prospective students can apply for enrolment under two categories:

  1. automatic entry for students who live within our school home zone and
  2. selective entry of out of zone students will be processed based on an order of priority.

Home Zone

All students who live within the home zone described below shall be entitled to enrol at the school.

Starting at the intersection of Barry’s Point Road (excluded) and Esmonde Road, travel east along Esmonde Road (2 - 48 even addresses only). Turn north into Lake Road (1 - 413 odd addresses and 2 - 396 even addresses included) and east into Park Avenue (both sides included). Follow the coast south around the peninsula, including all roads in Hauraki, Belmont, Narrow Neck, Devonport and Bayswater, and back up north to the starting point.

All residential addresses on included sides of boundary roads and all no exit roads off included sides of boundary roads are included in the zone unless otherwise stated.

Belmont Intermediate Zone Map

Out of Zone Enrolments

Each year the School Board will determine the number of places which are likely to be available in the following year for the enrolment of students who live outside the home zone. The Board will publish this information on our electronic sign, located on Lake Road, on our website and in our school newsletter. The notice will indicate how applications are to be made and will specify a date by which all applications must be received.

Applications for Out of Zone Enrolments for 2025 TBC.

Applications for Out of Zone Enrolments for 2025 will close on TBC.

Out of Zone places will be allocated using our Priority Order (see below). If required, a ballot will be held on TBC. Results of the priority placing and ballot (if required) will be made to applicants on TBC. If out of zone places are publicised, please complete the 2025 Enrolment Form to apply completing your priority number where required. Proof of your eligibility of your priority number may be required in some circumstances.

Applications for enrolment will be processed in the following order of priority:

  1. First Priority - This priority is not applicable as the school does not run a special programme approved by the Secretary for Education.
  2. Second Priority - will be given to applicants who are siblings of current students.
  3. Third Priority - will be given to applicants who are siblings of former students.
  4. Fourth Priority - be given to any applicant who is a child of a former student of the school.
  5. Fifth Priority - will be given to applicants who are children of Board employees.
  6. Sixth Priority - will be given to all other applicants.

If there are more applicants in the second, third, fourth or fifth priority groups than there are places available, selection within the priority group will be by a ballot conducted in accordance with the instructions by the Secretary under Section 11G(1) of the Education Act 1989.  Parents will be informed of the date of any ballot by notice on our website.

Applicants seeking second or third priority status may be required to provide proof of a sibling relationship.